Josephine Gibbs, art educator, art jeweller and designer

Josephine has taught in:

Greenwich public school, k-6 Visual arts, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, printmaking, painting and design, English, Drama, Maths, History, Science & digital technology

Blue Mountains Grammar, VArts Ceramics K7-10, VArts sculpture K9-10, VArts history and theory 9-10, VArts painting k-12, VArts printmking k10, TAS lighting design, plastics and wood technology

Rooty Hill High School, VArts Photography k-8-10, Sculpture, painting, printmaking, mask-making & drawing k7-10

Gosford selective High School, Visual arts years 7-10 sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing and computer digital media & technology

Bauklham Hills selective High School, Visual arts 7-8, Ceramics, Sculpture, life drawing, printmaking, painting & digital photography

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'Knowing' Movie review

Monday, April 13th, 2009

Knowing Alex Royas, director of ‘Dark City’, ‘Crow’ & ‘I, Robot’

Starring lead: Nicolas Cage (National Treasure etc.)


Review: Jo Gibbs


I really do not want to give this movie a lengthy review because I already did one but for some reason I lost the lot (i’m new to blogging).

Just as well because, it had a lot of spoilers in that if you have not seen the movie yet.

Anyway, I want to see the movie again just to see what it was that got me feeling a little bit gobsmacked. I spent all of last night trawling the internet wanting to read what all of the critics say about it. Believe me, most if not all the critics tore it to pieces, saying that it is rubbish and only had two CGI sequences worth seeing (yeah, they were that good, really). Only Ebers gave it a positive one. The very few just said it was the best sci-fi they’ve ever seen in years. I suspect that most of them feel embarassed to say they like it. I was really riveted to my seat after my kindergarten son, really raised a ruckus trying to get us both to go home. He was scared (don’t worry it has a PG rating). The couple next to us game me heaps, for not shutting him up.

Fair enough, they wanted to see the movie without some kid in a tantrum in the background interfering with their viewing pleasure, right?

Anyway, I want to see it again without interruptions. I missed a lot of it, the stuff (Biblical symbolism) I did see was impressive enough but a little bit unsatisfying in terms of dialogue between the characters (the pastor father dialogue could have been more intense- discussion about religion is always explosive especially between people with differing beliefs-as Cage’s character is supposed to be an Athiest Physics professor- he was weak unlike my Papa’s argumentative attitude against my mama’s born again- yeuch vomit). Cage did a pretty good job portraying the role esp after the plane crash sequence. So many people who had witnessed the 9/11 actual events must have had a traumatic flashback once again. I think all his other roles was a rehearsal for this one, hes got the poker face with a chastised puppy dog look down pat by now. Stop reading now if you don’t want any more spoilers, STOP READING NOW.

The subway scenes was incredible too, really graphic and terrifying and some bits were funny. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to laugh to that spilled dvd’s bit.

The kids were just passable, oh alright they’re good, just because I like all kids, i’ve got one who is very loveable, which makes the gross thing that happened to the Diana character so horrendous to me. It was just tragic. I say no more.

I cant say for sure if I liked or hated this movie, there’s no middle ground unless you are a Scientology acolyte then it makes sense for you but if you are Christian like me, you will be scratching your head and feel extremely miffed they ended the movie like that. I just wished they let the ending open for this one.

The last time I wanted to see a movie multiple time was when ‘Independence day’ day came out. I and my hubby was overseas and seeing the special effects just blew me away.

The themes and ideas are incredibly thought provoking. People definitely started walking out of the cinema in disgust, especially towards the end, where I went in Sydney Broadway. There has not been a movie that made me think since I saw the B/w movie I saw, ‘To kill a mocking bird’ except that was about racial prejudice, which Obama’s raise to power has healed a little. This time it is the tension between Science and religion. If you are a normal person and the big question don’t bother you or you just internalised them by tending your own garden, you will probably be bored to tears. If you’re the sort that goes out of your way to argue in philosophy and religion sites, this might be your thing.

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I have many labels that include jeweller, art teacher, designer, artist, illustrator, blogger, photographer, gallery owner, guide, director, collector, business proprietor, entrepreneur, student, colleague, mentor, mother, friend and much more besides but these are not on any heirarchy of roles. One is not more important than others. These are all me, multifaceted and very busy.

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"Shakespeare's sonnet"
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their body's force,
Some in their garments though new-fangled ill:
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse.
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest,
But these particulars are not my measure,
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' costs,
Of more delight than hawks and horses be:
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast.
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take,
All this away, and me most wretchcd make.