Josephine Gibbs, art educator, art jeweller and designer

Josephine has taught in:

Greenwich public school, k-6 Visual arts, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, printmaking, painting and design, English, Drama, Maths, History, Science & digital technology

Blue Mountains Grammar, VArts Ceramics K7-10, VArts sculpture K9-10, VArts history and theory 9-10, VArts painting k-12, VArts printmking k10, TAS lighting design, plastics and wood technology

Rooty Hill High School, VArts Photography k-8-10, Sculpture, painting, printmaking, mask-making & drawing k7-10

Gosford selective High School, Visual arts years 7-10 sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing and computer digital media & technology

Bauklham Hills selective High School, Visual arts 7-8, Ceramics, Sculpture, life drawing, printmaking, painting & digital photography

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Importance of water for jewellers

I have always been conscious of how we jewellers consume fresh water. It seems to be my concern to me that we are ethical in managing and disposing of finishing chemicals and solvents because it makes sense financially and ecologically. You might find this teachers resource useful.
(FRESH WATER (Image provided by all copyrights reserved))

Freshwater is not only the most valuable resource in the future but also right here and now. Australians today buy expensive and wasteful bottled water arguably more than any country in the world.
Find out more and see the Powerhouse museum exhibition or click on the above teacher's resource link.
You only have to visit any convenience stores springing up all over Sydney and see how many brands there are on offer but that's not my point. It stands to reason why green business should try to manage our fresh water supply while it is the rainy season (the wettest year since 1959). Find out more.

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About Me

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I have many labels that include jeweller, art teacher, designer, artist, illustrator, blogger, photographer, gallery owner, guide, director, collector, business proprietor, entrepreneur, student, colleague, mentor, mother, friend and much more besides but these are not on any heirarchy of roles. One is not more important than others. These are all me, multifaceted and very busy.

Welcome to Jo Gibbs' blogs

"Shakespeare's sonnet"
Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their body's force,
Some in their garments though new-fangled ill:
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse.
And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest,
But these particulars are not my measure,
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' costs,
Of more delight than hawks and horses be:
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast.
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take,
All this away, and me most wretchcd make.